本文作者Steve Dahllof ,現任奧美公關亞太地區執行長

由臺灣奧美公關social @Ogilvy團隊王俊人、李偉綸翻譯



  什麼事情讓首席行銷官夜不能寐?這個答案顯而見 — 現今24小時不停歇的市場環境,絕對是這些人失眠的主要元兇。事實上,不只是首席行銷官,許多高階主管也正努力趕上快速變遷的市場環境。





























結語: 迎接內容為王的時代!

  最後,讓我們來談一下,究竟內容於公關領域的演進會是如何?讓我畫一條時間軸來說明,如果說2010年以前是培養知名度和初試水溫,那2011年就會是肆無忌憚的實驗年!時至今日,2012年絕對是公關靠著內容呼吸和生存的一年,也就是「the year of content」。




Learn to reach out to the new gatekeepers

 Steve Dahllof, President and CEO of OgilvyPR APAC


The PR industry is well versed in communicating the client’s message to news editors; now it must speak directly to its audience.

─By Steven Dahllof


Ask any CMO what keeps them up at night and the top of the list has to include todays 24/7 marketing environment.  Were all struggling to keep up with it.

How do we ensure a product, service or brand draws the increasingly elusive eyeballs, click throughs, coverage and friends, minute-by-minute, day and night, in a world where traditional marketing channels are being dwarfed by the growing impact of social media?

Enter content.  But not just any content, Im talking great content.  Can content be the answer to the CMOs ongoing nightmares?  The answer is a qualified yes - if developed well and measured properly.  Great content creates marketing momentum, giving the brand a voice rooted in cultural relevance and with staying power.  A video, game or puzzle cannot hit the market and disappear immediately; it must become evergreen, passed from person to person, creating buzz and talk ability.

CMOs can sleep better knowing consumers are out there in the social media space passing content around and sharing the brand love.  Great content feeds the hunger of the 24/7 always-on appetites of consumers.

Ive been in discussion after discussion about which discipline really owns content.  The ad guys?  The creative team?  The PR professionals?  The CRM specialists?  This is an easy one.  Every marketing discipline must own content.  Each discipline brings its own unique perspectives to what content could and should be.  Id like to focus on why PR is particularly adept at creating great content, what the rules of great content are in this sphere and how we measure its impact.

In PR, weve always been creators of content in editorial forms; print and broadcast news.  We know what makes content believable because weve spent years with news gatekeepers; editors, journalists and influencers whose role was to select, edit and mould our clients message into what they believe has news value and feels authentic.  The news gatekeepers decide what content makes the cut.

Well, the gates are now well and truly unattended, yet I do not believe the PR industry has taken full advantage of these wide-open gates.  Perhaps we are so use to media gatekeepers that we have not stretched our legs sufficiently in walking directly to our clients customers without the media controlling the message.  We must urgently overcome this.

As one colleague recently said, hitherto mild-mannered consumers are now talking back; sometimes as vicious critics.  Authentic believable content from our clients can take the edge off those vicious consumers and often turn them into fans.

With content opportunities come challenges and responsibilities.  The industry is still learning what makes truly great content, but the problem is every time we think we can define it, it morphs and new elements are added.

Perhaps we can start by identifying what constitutes good, even great, content.  I believe there are five key ingredients.  While each nugget of content does not need to contain every one, the more the better.

1. Relevance: Our new gatekeepers are the consumers and customers themselves.  Therefore any piece of content has to pass the three-second question consumers ask as they click: What does this content have to do with me and my life?  Relevance has to be evident immediately.  If it isnt, the entertainment fun value must hold them until we get to the relevant part.  Relevance is not a new term in communications, but it is essential in the world of content.  The old expression news you can use is key here; what can customers do with your content, and what makes it significant is their lives?

2. Engaging: Content cant just talk to consumers; it must involve them - and quickly.  What is their role?  Where do they fit in?  How can they participate?  If we can get consumers to engage to the point that they are creating their own content, we know we are more than half way to success.

3. Creative: There are millions of pieces of content out there all fighting for the same eyeballs.  Consumers have become spoilt; they want it new and different all the time.  What worked yesterday probably wont work in the same formula tomorrow.  We have to give it a new twist, a different feel, a unique angle that will get them passing it along.

4. Entertaining: Ask yourself, how can you make content funny, playful or downright outrageous?  Great content can create an unabashed sense of enjoyment.  We are all looking for a minute during the day that simply delights us, with no strings attached.  But dont make the mistake of equating entertainment value with engagement.  They may coincide, but they are two unique and equal parts of the content formula.

5. Dynamic: Content should flex to the consumers needs, wants and desires.  We arent all the same person, so why should our content be the same?  The term mass personalization gained fame in the early 2000s.  In the content would it is simply the price of entry.  Of course, the other sid3 of the dynamic coin is that it must constantly update and not get stale.

Now were defined five ingredients for good content, what is the recipe for great content?  Identifying the ingredients is easy; the tough part is putting them together in the right combination Ð and that combination is different for every occasion and every audience.

The beauty of the social media would is that consumers donÕt keep their preferences a secret.  Through their online conversations, click through and communities, we can discover their preferences.  So the first step to creating great content is using social media planners to listen to and watch what your target is saying and doing.

It is amazing to me how often this simple, yet essential, step is overlooked.  Once youve completed this online ethnography, the development and creative process can begin.  As another colleague recently stated so articulately, Social media planners ensure we anchor every step of campaign development to real people in a way that uses the consumers mindset to build the content strategy.

Understanding consumer preferences from a social media perspective allows us to hone in on the right ingredients for the task at hand.  Measuring how great content is comes down to measuring that marketing momentum created.  The specifics are important; what are the conversations and how much talkability have we stimulated about the brand?

To measure the marketing momentum, we create and track a word-of-mouth sentiment index of online conversations, the share of positive voice in the category.  The focus is on a critical metric: was it positive, negative, or neutral?  We also look at platform matrix with Facebook interactions (posts, comments, likes), YouTube/Youku views and comments, as well as Twitter and Weibo posts.

So how evolved is content in public relations?  Let me put it in a timeline.  If 2010 and earlier were the years of growing awareness and dabbling, then 2011was the year of unbridled experimentation.  But now weÕre arrived: 2012 is and must be the year that PR lives and breathes content: it is the year of content.

But there is a tripwire, and that is ensuring client understanding of content and the new measurement and evaluation criteria.  Part of our job is therefore to move clients more fully into the content creation space and not treat it as an insignificant add-on to traditional PR and media relations programmes. &






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