
奧美公關亞太區數位影響力總監Thomas Crampton


但由於時間有限,無法在現場一一回答,因此特別整理出「遺珠之憾」,讓講師們在此回覆熱情的聽眾,針對不同講師的疑問將以獨立篇幅分開回答,此篇為奧美公關亞太區數位影響力總監Thomas Crampton 以影音的方式回答。




Q1  Our customers are all above their 40s. Besides waiting for the younger generation to grow up and become our new customers, what can we do on social media for those middle-aged? 

Q2  Could you advise what could you recommend to a Chain-store who want to engage social media? Should I focus on brand image, not sales in the near future?

Q3  My company want me to do something on social media but our major customers are not using internet. What can I do? 

Q4  Whats the next driving power of social media?

Q5  If the social media is fragmented, how to run the diversified but targeted/fragmented marketing campaign in SNS successfully?  

Q6  Do you have specific advices (do and dont) to international e nterprises who want to engage social media in many countries? 

Q7  How to leverage Facebook API to do marketing?


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