5月8日於紐約所舉辦的Holmes Report North America SABRE Awards,奧美公關表現亮眼,這是繼年初US PRWeek Award、南非PR Asia-Pacific Awards以及PRISM Awards之後,再次讓全世界看到我們傲人的成績。另外,我們已選出下個月PRSA Silver Anvils的候選名單,也統計出奧美公關本週共贏得八項US Bulldog Media Relations Awards。綜觀這些亮眼的成績,今年目前我們共贏得超過125個獎項,包含許多國際大獎如Cannes Lions、WPPed Cream、SABREs、PRWeek等。
在SABRE頒獎典禮上,奧美公關共獲得4面金獎,並入圍11項金獎及8項銀獎的肯定。首先,奧美公關獲得「2012年度公共事務企業」(2012 Public Affairs Agency of the Year)的榮譽,這對辛苦的全球公共事務團隊是一大肯定。同時,奧美公關也得到「年度大型數位影響力企業榮譽獎」(honorable mention for Digital Agency of the Year and Large Agency of the Year),由奧美全球CEO Chris Graves代表團隊領獎。
另外,墨西哥辦公室為墨西哥觀光局策畫執行的案例「Fighting Fire with Fire: Resetting the Media Dialogue for Mexico」,贏得「最佳企業關係獎」(Best Corporate Media Relations campaign)。
而協助拜耳醫藥保健公司執行的案例「Educating Girlfriends About the Importance of Folate」,贏得「年度最佳醫療消費獎」(Best Consumer Health campaign)。另外,華盛頓辦公室協助福特汽車執行的社群案例「Ford Reinvents the Test Drive - and Blogger Outreach – Globally」,也在部落格經營項目獲得評審肯定。
1. Consumer Marketing - New Product (Global Franchise Group/MaggieMoo's Ice Cream and Treatery)
2. Public Affairs:State and Local (Mexico Tourism Board)
3. Food and Beverage (Unilever's Slim-Fast)
4. Travel and Tourism (Mexico Tourism Board and SpringHill Suites by Marriott)
5. Business Services (Fosun International)
6. Telecommunications (ZTE USA)
7. Web-Based Business (Blurb)
8. Government Agencies (IRS Free File)
1. Knorr ─ Publicity Stunt
2. ASQ ─ Branding and Identity
3. Blurb ─ Media Placement - Digital
4. IRS Free File ─ Website
5. IRS Free File ─ Public Service Announcement
6. LG Mobile ─ Viral Video
7. DuPont Sustainable Solutions ─ Best Blog
8. Insider Circle from Irfan Kamal and Social@Ogilvy ─ PR Product of the Year